At Kor Counseling, our team includes mental health counselors who are covered by Cigna, demonstrating our commitment to making therapy easily accessible. Our Cigna therapists are dedicated to delivering high-quality care and understanding the hesitation that often comes with starting therapy. They strive to create a secure and welcoming environment for clients.

Discovering the right therapist is crucial for effectively managing stress, enhancing relationships, and fostering overall well-being. Whether through online sessions or in-person meetings, our Cigna therapists are well-equipped to offer the necessary support. We are well-versed in addressing various topics including anxiety, depression, trauma, ADHD, family and relationship issues, substance abuse, and life transitions, among others.


Cigna Benefits:

Cigna offers a wide range of insurance plans and products that focus on your emotional health and well-being. Cigna’s regular health plans include coverage for mental health care. Every Cigna member is entitled to receive behavioral health treatment, including psychotherapy and counseling services as a component of their basic health benefits. Both primary Cigna members and dependents covered by their health plans can address their mental health concerns with a licensed professional who accepts Cigna.

Typically, most Cigna insurance plans require a copay or have a deductible included with your medical benefits. However, it’s important to consult with the details of your plan to be sure. Cigna is simple. 

Cigna provides quality plan options, personalized health care support, and low costs, allowing access to the expertise and care you need, when you need it. Cigna Mental health services include follow-up case management services, consultations, referral services, outpatient services, and referrals to local community support groups, behavioral coaches, and online resources. 

Coverage limitations –

Cigna health insurance may vary based on the specific plan and its coverage details. Insurance plans often differ in their terms and conditions, and changes may occur over time.

To obtain accurate and up-to-date information about the limitations of your mental health benefits under Cigna health insurance, it is recommended to review your insurance policy, summary plan description, or other official documents provided by Cigna. These documents should outline the details of your mental health coverage, including any limitations, co-pays, deductibles, and coverage periods.

Feel free to call the number on the back of your Cigna card and reach out to Cigna’s customer service or member services department to know more about the specifics of your plan. Representatives can provide you with the most current and personalized information regarding your mental health benefits and any limitations that may apply.

Insurance plans, including mental health benefits, undergo changes, so it’s crucial to get the most recent information directly from the source to ensure accurate and reliable details specific to your coverage.  Be sure to ask Cigna member services about your copay for mental health outpatient services, specifically for codes 90834 and 90837 (those CPT codes are used by Cigna therapists). 

Additionally, it is important to find out if there is a session cap per year.  To determine if your Cigna plan includes coverage for therapy, you can access your Summary of Benefits by logging into your myCigna account at If your employer provides your health insurance, you can reach out to the human resources department of your company for further guidance.

Types of Therapy Coverage:

Depending on what you are grappling with, you might benefit from a high level of care. In this case, follow your employer’s medical plan requirements to make an appointment with a psychiatrist (a mental health medical doctor), or an inpatient treatment hospital or clinic. Your doctor, counselor, or therapist may also refer you and help you coordinate care or treatment.

How much does therapy cost with Cigna?

The cost of therapy sessions varies widely from one Cigna plan to another. Most often, there is some co-pay, but you might also have a deductible to pay upfront before the sessions are partly or fully covered. The co-pay is the fixed amount that you owe at each therapy visit. The deductible is the total amount you need to spend on medical costs in a year before your insurance begins to cover the cost of mental health services. Be sure to review the details of your plan and stay aware of its policies.